Clemente Padin Uruguay
Clemente Padin Born on octuber 8, 1939 in Lascano, Uruguay. Poet, artist and graphic designer, performancer, videoartist, multimedia and netartworker.

Graduated in Letras Hispanas of University of The Republic, Uruguay. Director of the art magazines Los Huevos del Plata (1965-1969); OVUM 10 and OVUM (1969-1975) and Participación (1984-1986). Author of 18 books edited in Francie, Germany, Holanda, Italie, Venezuela, United States and Uruguay.

Has participated in 197 group show and more of 1.100 Mail Art expositions around the world since 1971.

One solo show in United States, Italie, Corea, Argentina, Uruguay, Germany, Spain, Belgic and Japon.

Some of recognition it has receive are special invitated in the XVI Bienal of San Pablo, Brazil, 1981; Special Mention in I Bienal de La Habana, Cuba, 1984. The Art and Letters Academy of  Germany le concedió una beca en 1984, etc.

· Since La Poesía Debe Ser Hecha por Todos, Montevideo, Uruguay 1970, he has done dozens of presentations and performances around the world. His writings have been published in various magazines and publications, translated to English, Portuguese, French, Italian, Hungarian, Dutch, German and Russian and he has participated in multiple Internet events since 1992.

He has also taken part in collectives related to Art and Poetry since Exposición de Proposiciones a Realizar, Buenos Aires, 1971 and XVI Biennial of San Pablo, Brazil, 1981, until XI International Congress of Estetic, Nottingham, Inglaterra, 1988; Acciones, Chester Spring, Filadelfia, USA. 1989; XXXIX Congreso SALALM, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 1994; V International Biennial of Visual/ Experimental Poetry, México City, México, 1996, Eye Rytmes, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 1997; Intersigns, San Pablo, Brazil 1998; VIII International Festival of Poetry, Medellín, Colombia 1998, International Biennial of Poetry, Bello Horizonte, Brazil 1998, among others.

Clemente Padín: C.Correo Central 1211, Montevideo 11000, Uruguay